Do you know what happens when you watch an entire season of the CWs Beauty & the Beast over a weekend? You start to get moony eyed over what is clearly a dysfunctional relationship.
I mean she has to lie to everyone she cares about. She commits illegal acts, like evidence tampering, and SHE IS A COP. She rationalizes her boyfriend killing people, because, well they are criminals. See! Dysfunction. And I was all....
Then I moved onto Hart of Dixie, because, well the CW is just hittin' 'em outta the park. (Don't judge me.) So...girl gives up life and career to live in a small town. Falls for engaged guy. Engaged guy leaves his evil fiance basically at the alter only for Zoe (main character) to tell him he needs time to heal...or whatever. (Then proceeds to be princess crazypants every time he dates someone.) She then falls for and dates the town screw up/sleeps with everyone and then is shocked and heart broken when he hurts her. (umm...duh) Once again I looked at all this relationship drama like so....
Which brings me to my point. I have CLEARLY been single too long. I'm staring to look longingly on dysfunction and drama. Hell, I read an old diary and looked fondly on an ex-boyfriend. ( See! Single too long. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my 'me' time. (SEE HERE) But...its been well over a year since I even went on a date.
Here is my dilemma though.... How do you actually meet new guys at this point in life? I got to work and then I go home. I take care of Boomer pretty much 24/7. I don't really go out to bars and I'm passed the whole 'we met in college' phase of my life. I've hinted to my friends for a set up....but no dice.
Which lead me to staring at a profile I can't commit to. I hate my screen name, I have no clue what to write about myself, and pictures? Also...does it even work? Sigh...guess I'm dipping my toes into the dating pool again...stay tuned.

Excited to hear from you and excited to hear you're ready to start dating! However - I also don't know where we meet these guys. seems too formal/desperate and Tinder is too gropey for my taste.
Let us know what you find!
Oh, I love me some cheesy Hart of Dixie. #TeamWade
Well at least you included Dean... But he's another kind of dysfunctional.
I mished yew!!!!
What about an activity you enjoy? I hear people talking about meeting at the park, etc...?
You are never suppose to write your profile for yourself - let your friends do it for you. Make it the ones you trust the most!
Oh and you can't do that with CW. I am a sucker for The Vampire Diaries and all the guys fawning over stupid Elena...
I can't quit Hart of Dixie, no matter how screwed up and sorta incestuous the relationships get.
A good friend of mine met her current boyfriend on To be fair, she also met a bunch of guys who didn't click but I think it's worth a shot. And I agree that you need a friend or friends to help you write your profile!
Its totally normal to become enamored of tv relationships when you're feeling really, really single. I knew I had a real problem when I found myself thinking about Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights ALL THE TIME. Like, he needs to be with Lyla. I don't care that he's a mopey drunk and that she's dating his best friend who just found out he's going to be in a wheelchair for was real weird. My family was concerned for me. Anywho, don't worry too much. You WILL meet someone! Personally I think is a great idea! YOLO! I know several couples, some of them engaged, who met on match or eHarmony. And hello - what about J Date?????
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